Domestic violence

CSMC at the Inquiry into family violence orders

CSMC at the Inquiry into family violence orders

On Friday, CSMC spoke to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs' inquiry into family violence orders. The Federal Government hearings were established to investigate how to provide better access for victim-survivors in the family law system, Family...

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The family violence payment victims can’t access

The family violence payment victims can’t access

It was a payment designed to assist women and children fleeing violence, but a new report has revealed that the majority of applications are being rejected, leading to the obvious question: what's the point in introducing a family violence payment only to make it...

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Single mothers go to Canberra; Family Law reform ensues

Single mothers go to Canberra; Family Law reform ensues

Two weeks ago, Andi, CSMC's Policy and Communications Coordinator, and Michelle and Charisse, two of our passionate single mother members boarded a plane to Canberra. There they joined Terese Edwards, CEO of Single Mother Families Australia, and headed into Parliament...

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